
Leaving so soon? Well, I guess it's inevitable that all good things come to and end... Before you go, if you enjoyed your stay here at Codename: Prince, please consider adding a link to your own site, if you have one. ^^ Text links are awesome but if you prefer to use something more flashy, I've made a few buttons you can link to me with. Thanks for your support! :D

Ah, now here's the part you're waiting for: links to other related sites! There are some pretty nifty One Piece sites out there... below is a collection of links to sites that I had fun visiting. They're all great resources. ^^

Sanji Shrines & Related Sites
Ask Sanji!

Sanji Fanlistings
Blackjack & Hookers (Sanji x Usopp)
Cigarette Man (Sanji)
Deux (Sanji x Zoro)
Hopelessly Devoted (Sanji x Nami)
Issho-ni (Sanji x Luffy)

Other Character Shrines
Nico Robin Shrine (Robin)
Straw Hat (Luffy)
Swordman's Destiny (Zoro x Tashigi)
Tangerine Dream (Nami)

Other One Piece Sites
Arlong Park (General Info)
Devil (Gallery)
Destination Paradise (General Info)
Gum (General)
Kaizoku Fansubs (Translations)
Lost At Sea (Gallery)
Navigation (Link Archive)
We Are Here! (Lyrics)
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